Week 2 course reflection
This week provided some interesting ideas and thoughts as I read and watched the videos assigned. Goal setting is crucial to students' learning process. It gives them a clearly defined target to reach and knowledge of what can be expected as an outcome. As teachers we usually put an objective on our board and may even show and/or explain it to our students. I think it is more of a compliance issue than a learning tool. I know I have been guilty of this. I want to look through my lessons this week to find where I can truly use this goal setting technique in my lessons. I will try out a survey to see what they know about our next unit and post on my Google + page and website.
The article I read on Michael Page's research was really eye opening. What caught my eye was the impact technology usage had on Mathematics achievement. The more I read, the more I felt vindicated on my passion to truly integrate the technology into my classroom despite the other colleagues who would tell me how much time it wastes. I actually just emailed this article to my Principal and Assistant Principal over technology. This article is very relevant to my school. Our campus has a large group of low socioeconomic group of students. We have just over 95% of our students on free or reduced lunch. Granted this study was in elementary schools, but I think this can carry into the high school level.
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