Quote of the week

"I have learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
~Nelson Mandela

Friday, July 22, 2011

Teachers aren't human????

Ok, I get back today into the credit recovery lab I am working in for summer school.  The kids acted like I have been missing for ages upon ages.   They love the melo-drama.

Later in the class, I was helping "bob" with some geometry work on trig functions.  Well, we got the answer wrong on the program...and I swore up and down it was right...because we are "never" wrong.

He redid the lesson and came on the question again.  When I looked at it this time, I realized I made an error.  You thought that was the end of the world for him.  Here was the conversation:

Me:  I looked at it wrong is all.
"Bob":  but you got it wrong.  You're the teacher, you aren't supposed to get it wrong.
Me:  I am only human...I make mistakes sometimes.
"Bob":  you aren't human!
Me: no?  Then what am I?
"Bob":  an intellectual being!

There you go folks...we aren't human and aren't capable of making mistakes!  :-)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Last day of CAMT

Wow, I made it!!!!!!!!!!  3 days of CAMT with the hiking from session to session and camping out in front of the rooms to ensure my entrance.  We, as math teachers, are very serious about our sessions...it's almost primal trying to get in to some.  LOL.

I waited 2 hours in line just for the Dinah Zikes presentation.  Of course it is one of the best note-taking ideas I have seen and so popular.  It was worth the wait.  

Overall, it was a great conference.  I received lots of great ideas and need to stew on them to work them into my lessons for the new school year.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What I love about summer...

Not only do I enjoy the amazing time off with no kids yelling my name out or complaining about every minute thing, I also love the time to go to workshops shops to rejuvenate my mind and awesome ideas for my class.

As a math teacher, it is essential to keep fresh and original...students bore so easily.  My experience at CAMT has been a good one.  Thanks Mrs H for the wonderful review ideas.  I have bored myself with test reviews. And D with the cool techie ideas, which I flock to like a mouth to a flame.

Each year brings new and difficult struggles...but we must "keep swimming"for the sake of the students.

If you are interested in great review ideas, Mrs H (mathtalesfromthespring.blogspot.com) has some wicked cool stuff.

Now, it's off to the races to scheme away. :-)